I observed a family. Each member parroted what the previous person said. Each clearly did not know they were essentially parroting the others' words. Maybe a word or two of embellishment. Maybe a difference of emotional inflection added but it was the same idea repeated. I observed in amazement. I pondered this. Months. I've pondered almost a year now while observing myself.
I parrot too. I parrot what I've read, what I've seen, what I've heard. I parrot those ideas that reflect my values of how I want to be. We all do. It is our hive mind. Jung's "collective unconscious".
Why does it take so long to steer the ship of the collective unconscious?
The Langstroth bee hive takes advantage of the nature of bees. Bees act in certain ways and apparently they cannot act differently. The Langstroth bee hive design makes it easy for humans to harvest the honey.
Humans parrot. Apparently we cannot act differently. We "try on" different ideas to ourselves to see how they fit. Others hear us and if the ideas reflect their values they repeat it to see how it fits. Where do we hear the values that we may want to try on? Television, radio, internet. Ubiquitous noise reinforcing words & phrases that we repeat.
At this time Sept 2013, there is the "hump day camel." I bet if you're reading this Sept 2013 you know. You are having an emotional response. You feel happy. Can you tell me what the camel is selling? I bet you have to consciously think of the product. And guess what? Now you have an emotional memory associated with that product. Do you think that it will influence you when it comes to buying? Stats will be the determining factor. Some marketing firm has the "before hump day" ad and "after hump day" ad data. When the numbers start to go down there will be another ad.
Church? Mega-churches have product placement for profit. They are taking advantage of the "sweetened" mind ready to buy the product off which they will make a profit for the church.
What is our ACTION? To act differently in order to reflect the ideals we espouse to ourselves means to deal with anxiety. It means to act outside of the hive mind. Even if the hive mind is a "make believe".
We are manipulated by marketing tactics taking advantage of the nature of humans. Much study goes into marketing. Our capitalist system depends upon this manipulation. It is manipulative bullying. Children learn how to bully from us and we don't even know that we're teaching children how to bully.
The hive mind has no ideals. The hive mind is like wind on corn tassels. The loudest and most repeated determines action. Currently the loudest noise to influence our human nature is through television, radio, internet, magazines.
Unplug. We're social mammals. Re-develop community. Dispense with the bullying.