Wednesday, February 4, 2015

To the winner go the spoils.
The Gnostics weren't the winners at this gathering where the people in control decided on the "official version of things". I guess the people who care decided that efficient manipulation of masses requires one version.
If they had television and internet in 325 AD they would have simply created FUD using the tools of propaganda on the vehicles of mainstream media, and misinformation in social media. Maybe there would have been a side note about "the losers who are not us."
The Library of Alexandria was where records of the "official version of things" were kept. You would have to have access, and be able to read. I reckon there can't be more than one version of the word of god.

Who really cares?

There are still those who decide the "official version of things."
How do these people get their power? We give it to them because they own things; money, oil, food, police (weapons). We give them power out of our fear.

I believe it is possible for the common public to have power for the first time in known history because of the Bitcoin Protocol. Will we get the chance?
I don't know. Those in power are out to destroy it.

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