Monday, December 10, 2012

it's the sun?

In the middle of routine evening chores the electricity went out. I exclaimed at the inconvenience then quickly adjusted to "what is" and determined to wait a few minutes for it to come back on as is usual. No internet. No TV as a matter of course. Cell service, but little charge on the phone.
5 minutes. 10 minutes. The sky was roiling; Gray, swirling, fast and slow moving storm clouds. Gusts of WARM wind. In December in Illinois? It stirred dust on the gravel driveway.
My thoughts moved like the clouds. I began to look around. What if? What if there would be no more electricity starting NOW? And I recognized my coming future folly. I know my neighbors, have solar panels for the basics. I have stored dehydrated food. I have a large water filter, but it's empty. I would have to travel for water. I have seeds, but I've not planted protein yet. I have weapons, but they're not in the house. I have space for 5 friends, but we've not talked of "what if".
40 minutes. I hand cranked the flashlight. I might as well do chores.
It's been a few days. I've not filled the water filter. I've not retrieved the weapons. I've not planted protein. I've not talked to my friends.
Oh the electricity at the house? It came back on at 45 minutes.

What if a Class X Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun was directed toward earth? What if it happened when the magnetic field was low?

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